The INGRID parameter file


INGRID has been designed to be controlled from a single configuration/parameter file when operating in GUI mode. This specially formatted YAML file is similar to Fortran namelist files due to the key-value structure it contains.

Here is a snippet of what a YAML formatted file can look like.

# Comments are supported and follow python convention!
# YAML entries are a mapping of the form:
#   key: value
# It follows that python interprets the YAML file as a dict

    # YAML file use spaces as indentation.
    # 2 or 4 spaces (pick one and stick to it) indicate a nested item.
    # Here we use 4 spaces.
    my_str_key: 'Hello, YAML!'  # my_str_key = 'Hello, YAML!'
    my_int_key: 32  # my_int_key = 32
    some_float: 3.14159  # some_float = 3.14159
    my_true_bool: true # bool case-insensitive
    my_false_bool: 0  # '1' '0' bool values supported.

    # Empty lines within file are ok.

    # Just remember it's the spaces that matter.

    my_sub_dict: # Nested dicts are supported.
        another_key: ending my example code-block here.
        # The above value entry will be interpreted as a string
        # (no quotations needed)

Although the INGRID parameter file contains many controls for a user, it does not stray from the patterns illustrated above (no advanced YAML knowledge required).


While operating INGRID in GUI mode, keep your favorite text-editor handy with the parameter-file in use loaded. You will be making frequent edits to this core parameter/configuration file.

Although not necessary for following tutorial, detailed documentation of the INGRID parameter-file can be found here.

A single-null example file

Users of INGRID have plenty of controls available for fine-tuning their final grid. This section explains how to navigate some key controls within the INGRID parameter file.

We will be using the pre-populated INGRID parameter file DIIID_SNL.yml from the example_files directory in the single-null walk-through. Open this file in your preferred text-editor. At the time of writing this documentation, the parameter file DIIID_SNL.yml contains the following:

# ---------------------------------------------------
# User data directories
# ---------------------------------------------------
  eqdsk: ../data/SNL/DIII-D/  # dir containing eqdsk
  limiter: .  # dir containing limiter
  patch_data: ../data/SNL/DIII-D/  # dir containing patch data
  target_plates: ../data/SNL/DIII-D/ # dir containing target plates

# ---------------------------------------------------
# eqdsk file name
# ---------------------------------------------------
eqdsk: neqdsk

# ---------------------------------------------------
# General grid settings
# ---------------------------------------------------
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Settings for grid generation (num cells, transforms, distortion_correction)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        active: True # true, 1 also valid.
        resolution: 1000
        theta_max: 120.0
        theta_min: 80.0
    np_default: 3
    nr_default: 3
    poloidal_f_default: x, x
    radial_f_default: x, x
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  # guard cell size
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  guard_cell_eps: 0.001
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  # num levels in efit plot
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  nlevs: 30
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  # num xpts
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  num_xpt: 1
    strike_pt_loc: target_plates # 'limiter' or 'target_plates'
    rmagx_shift: 0.0
    zmagx_shift: 0.0
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  # Psi levels
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  psi_1: 1.066
  psi_core: 0.95
  psi_pf_1: 0.975
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  # magx coordinates
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  rmagx: 1.75785604
  zmagx: -0.0292478683
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  # xpt coordinates
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  rxpt: 1.300094032687
  zxpt: -1.133159375302
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  # Filled contours vs contour lines
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  view_mode: filled

# ---------------------------------------------------
# Saved patch settings
# ---------------------------------------------------
  file: LSN_patches_1597099640.npy
    new_file: true
    new_fname: LSN_patches_1597099640.npy
  use_file: false

# ---------------------------------------------------
# Integrator
# ---------------------------------------------------
  dt: 0.01
  eps: 5.0e-06
  first_step: 5.0e-05
  max_step: 0.064
  step_ratio: 0.02
  tol: 0.005

# ---------------------------------------------------
# Limiter settings
# ---------------------------------------------------
  file: ''
  use_efit_bounds: false

# ---------------------------------------------------
# target plate settings
# ---------------------------------------------------
    file: d3d_otp.txt
    zshift: -1.6
    file: d3d_itp.txt
    zshift: -1.6

Let’s highlight some important entries that are often used when operating INGRID for single-null cases (basic usage). Advanced tutorials will also be provided.

Setting data paths

A user can provide a string that indicates the path to certain data. This is used to tell INGRID where to look for EFIT data, target plate coordinate, limiter coordinates, and patch-data (for reconstruction). We can set these paths by editing the entry:

# ---------------------------------------------------
# User data directories
# ---------------------------------------------------
  eqdsk: ../data/SNL/DIII-D/  # dir containing eqdsk
  limiter: .  # dir containing limiter
  patch_data: ../data/SNL/DIII-D/  # dir containing patch data
  target_plates: ../data/SNL/DIII-D/ # dir containing target plates


INGRID supports both absolute paths and paths relative to where INGRID has been launched.

If dir_settings is missing any entries, INGRID will (internally) set the missing values to a default value of '.' (current working directory). This holds even if dir_settings is omitted from the parameter file.


dir_settings entries are the directory to look for data and NOT the file itself.

Providing an EQDSK file

The user provides the actual EQDSK file name separate from the dir_settings entry. We provide this at the global YAML level under entry eqdsk. That is:

# ---------------------------------------------------
# eqdsk file name
# ---------------------------------------------------
eqdsk: neqdsk


In this example, INGRID searches for the file neqdsk within the directory ../data/SNL/DIII-D/ (relative to the launch point) since dir_settings['eqdsk'] was set to ../data/SNL/DIII-D/ (see above).

Defining target plates

All target plate settings are under the global INGRID parameter file entry target_plates. We see this as:

# ---------------------------------------------------
# target plate settings
# ---------------------------------------------------
    file: d3d_otp.txt
    zshift: -1.6
    file: d3d_itp.txt
    zshift: -1.6

INGRID adopts a N-S-E-W compass direction notation in order to help generalize and simplify grid generation. It is important for a user to eventually learn these conventions. A detailed discussion of INGRID’s naming conventions can be found here.

For now (in the case of a lower single-null configuration), note that entries plate_E1 and plate_W1 correspond to the outer and inner target plates, respectively. Each plate entry recognizes sub-entries file (file name to load), zshift (z-translation) and rshift (r-translation, not utilized and internal to INGRID defaults to 0.0).

Defining x-points, magnetic-axis, and psi-levels

Settings for x-point coordinates, magnetic-axis coordinates, and psi-levels are found under the global INGRID parameter file entry grid_settings.

# ---------------------------------------------------
# General grid settings
# ---------------------------------------------------
  # ...
  # ...
  # Other items currently not of interest...
  # ...
  # ...

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  # num xpts
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  num_xpt: 1

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  # Psi levels
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  psi_1: 1.066  # SOL
  psi_core: 0.95  # CORE
  psi_pf_1: 0.975  # PRIVATE-FLUX

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  # magx coordinates
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  rmagx: 1.75785604
  zmagx: -0.0292478683

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  # primary xpt coordinates
  # ---------------------------------------------------
  rxpt: 1.300094032687
  zxpt: -1.133159375302


The entry num_xpt is one of the most important entries in the INGRID parameter file since it determines INGRID’s method of analysis. Dealing with more than one x-point requires a more in-depth understanding of the parameter file, so ensure this is set to the correct number of x-points.